What is interesting is this quote from Watchtower though:
And to claim that the congregation was required to "monitor" interactions in private homes between individuals who are not engaged in any religious activity "is beyond the legal or feasible scope of any possible undertaking. Because the specific 'service' for which (Lewis) claims protection in this case is beyond the scope of any 'monitoring' service the (congregation) could possibly or legally provide, (Lewis') claim fails as a matter of law."
If only elders gave this response whenever someone came to them complaining he saw some brother engaged in sin.
'I saw porn in brother Xs browsing history'
'Unmarried X and Y spent the night in a hotel together'
'I saw sr X smoking'
'While at work in the hospital, I noticed in the records X had a blood transfusion'
Sorry folks, it's beyond the legal and feasible scope of our congregation to monitor private activities...